We all have both physical and mental health. Mental health is about our feelings, our thinking, our emotions and our moods. We all have feelings that come and go every day. However, as with our physical health, each of us can have problems with our mental health from time to time. These problems can stop us getting on with our lives and can change how well we feel, how we see the world, how we behave and how we get on with others.
It is really important that if we are worried about something, we talk.
Worry Monster

Worry Box

Here at school we can:
- Speak to a trusted adult.
- Write our worry and put it in our class ‘Worry Monster’ or ‘Worry Box’ (see images above).
- Join in with the ‘Friday Feelings’ session with Miss Connor.
- Use the links below to find information.
Useful Websites
If you would like more information on how you can promote wellbeing in yourself, click on some of the logos below.